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Altru's Fast, Efficient & Compassionate Care | Jesse Adkins
Patient Stories

Altru's Fast, Efficient & Compassionate Care | Jesse Adkins

September 15, 2022

Jesse Adkins isn’t a stranger to Altru at 63 years old.  

“I have been a patient at Altru for over 40 years of my life, including United Hospital,” explains Jesse Adkins. “I have had many health issues and can easily say I have been in an office or hospital bed once per week for over the past four years.”  

“I deal with chronic pain in my feet and ankles,” says Jesse. “My job is physical. I am on my feet frequently. The same at home.”  

Because of his chronic pain, Jesse did not realize he had formed blisters on both of his feet recently. “By the time I checked the bottom of my feet I had huge sores on both,” says Jesse. “They were on the pads of my feet, just behind my toes. My lower legs swelled. My left leg turned red and started to "weep." I had developed cellulitis.” 

Jesse came to Altru’s Express Clinic where they referred him to the Wound Clinic. He knew that he would be admitted for a time, so he went back to work and finished his job for the day.  

“I couldn’t get a shoe on. Not even a Croc.” 

Fast, Efficient Care 

When Jesse came to the Wound Clinic three staff members worked quickly to clean and prepare him for the doctor's examination. 

“Fast, efficient and caring for my pain,” is how Jesse describes the Altru team. The team worked to perform blood cultures, ultrasounds, blood tests and provide Jesse with compassionate care as well as IV antibiotics, pain management medications, hot packs, leg wraps and more.  

Jesse’s doctor took extra care to solve any health problems that arose during the stay.  

“Because I was a cardiac patient, my concerned, capable doctor needed to know why I was retaining so much fluid in my lower legs,” explains Jesse. 

Throughout Jesse’s stay, he felt cared for and tried to remember as many people as possible. He learned their names and even some of their aspirations.  

“I received the best of care,” says Jesse. “Unfortunately, I did not get to see many faces because of the mask policy but I felt the care and tried to remember the names. You can see a smile through a mask. It shows in the eyes.” 

Aspirations of Jesse’s Care Team 

  • An aid who wants to be an emergency room nurse. 
  • An aid who wants to be a physician assistant and work with babies, infants or pregnant mothers. 
  • A woman who was going to be a nurse but decided she wanted to work in the science area of medicine.  
  • A man who was in training to draw blood. “I told him he looked nervous but did a good job drawing from me,” says Jesse. “He thanked me.” 
  • An aid in training who wants to be a certified nursing assistant.  

You Matter, You Have Value 

Jesse is satisfied with all aspects of his care from the physicians, nurses and aids to the food service providers.  

“I was more than satisfied with the food service providers at Altru during my stay,” says Jesse. “There is ample variety, and the food was good. Also, the people taking my orders and the staff that delivered the food were exceptionally good at their jobs.” 

To the people at Altru that have cared for him, Jesse is so grateful. He sent them a note that included many thanks and praise.  

“An army of trained people made my treatment as pain-free and comfortable as possible,” says Jesse. To the team of people who care for him, he said, “You matter. You have value. Care for yourself first or you will not be able to care for others. Finally, be kind to yourself and others.” 

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