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Tobacco & Nicotine Dependency Treatment

Tobacco usage contributes to over 480,000 deaths in the United States each year. Most tobacco users say they would quit if it was just a little easier. Today, it can be.

A certified tobacco treatment specialist understands the science behind tobacco addiction and nicotine withdrawal symptoms. They provide clear and accurate information about the causes and consequences of tobacco use and develop individualized treatment plans with a non-judgmental and patient-centered approach.

What do Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialists do?

  • Work with individuals to develop their own goals and a plan to stop tobacco dependence
  • Meet with patients one on one in a neutral and nonjudgmental setting
  • Prescribe tobacco cessation products when needed
  • Continue to meet with patients until their goals are met
  • Serve as educational resources for organizations, health care providers and the general public regarding tobacco use and treatment options.

Through education, treatment, and counseling options, our aim is to help 100 percent of patients quit.

For outpatient treatment, call 1-800-QUIT-NOW (784.8669) or visit ND Quits for more information.

Local Resources

UND Student Health (for UND students) 
1-1 tobacco cessation support

Grand Forks County Public Health 

Minnesota Quit Partner 
Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW 784.8669


Additional Resources

American Cancer Society 
FreshStart (adults, pregnant women) 
Smoke-Free Teens Program 

American Lung Association 
Freedom From Smoking (adults) 
Not-On-Tobacco (adolescents) 


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