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Altru Nurse Recognized with Daisy Award for Going Above and Beyond For Patients

Posted OnOctober 24, 2024

Nursing Team Honored for Providing Great Care

Grand Forks, N.D. – Dylan Nelson, RN a nurse at Altru Hospital in 3 West Medical Specialty, is being honored with The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses® for Q3 of 2024. The award is part of the DAISY Foundation's mission to recognize the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care nurses provide patients and families every day.  

One patient’s family member nominated Dylan for the great care he provided even while very busy.  

“He checked in on Mom regularly and made sure to spend time with her each time he stopped in, always with a smile. He made sure that Mom’s needs were met. As busy as he was, he  always had patience and was pleasant.”

A second nomination was submitted by a patient after noticing how attentive Dylan is.  

“Dylan was so busy but took the time to stop and check on me often and always was smiling. He had a rough/busy day but still had time for me. Took the few minutes to visit never making me feel like he was rushing me. He even took time after his shift was done to check on my test results and relay them to my night nurse so I could be discharged.”  

The team of nurses Dylan works with was also recognized.  

“They all cared and I didn’t feel like a number,” the patient said. “I spent a few days on 3 West and received awesome care from all staff on the unit.” 
Dylan joined the Altru team earlier in 2024.